Tuesday, July 27, 2010

TWD: Chewy, Chunky Blondies

blondies (2)

It's been, oh, I don't know... 6 months since my last TWD post! I'm shocked if I'm still on the blogroll for being such a lazy member. Anyway, I thought I'd make my return with blondies.

I used to be a coconut hater, but ever since I made the samoas bars, I've been finding excuses to bake with coconut. Instead of adding the coconut into the batter, I toasted it and sprinkled it on top for a nice textural contrast. I don't like putting coconut into the dough because it makes them gritty. For the coconut haters, I sprinkled the nuts on the other half. I also don't like putting nuts in the dough because I find that they get soggy. I omitted the white sugar completely to cut down on the sweetness. These were good, but I wasn't crazy about them. I would rather have a chocolate chip cookie so I can enjoy the crispy edges rather than a uniformly soft and chewy square. I may try these again with white rather than butterscotch chips.


Thanks to Nicole of Cookies on Friday for choosing this week's recipe


  1. I like blondies, but I'm with you on rather having the crispy edges. I do however love coconut and I certainly wouldn't turn those away!

  2. i love that you put the coconut & nuts on top! and i made your samoas bars a few months back and LOVED them!

  3. the coconut on the top looks fantastic. wonderful job!

  4. They look delicious! I love coconut too, but my parents hate it, so I can't use it on anything :(

  5. I'm a no coconut person myself, so I didn't add them to this.

    It was a wonderful recipe.

  6. I vote you throw in some bourbon and white chocolate chips. You might change your tune ;)

    They sure look good though!

  7. These look fantastic. Great idea to sprinkle the coconut and nuts on top!

  8. They look great, but I get what you are saying about the white instead of butterscotch chips.
    Also, I have had those samoa bars bookmarked forever and need to make them, like now!!!

  9. Steph! Nice to "see" you. :) Those blondies look stunning.

  10. Mmm I would definitely go for the ones topped with coconut!

  11. These look amazing and I would love to make them, but the recipe link is not working.

  12. I like adding coconut to the tops of desserts too, you get more flavor!

  13. These look absolutely gorgeous Steph. I especially love the ones topped with coconut! (my fav)

  14. Yours look great with the topping! Thanks for baking with me this week.

  15. Too bad these weren't a hit with you. They look delicious. I like the toppings on them.

  16. They look awesome! I love the coconut on top!

  17. Blondies are so good. Love those treats.

  18. The coconut was a great addition!! Now I just need to have a go at those samoas.

  19. The toppings make your blondies so pretty. Glad you are back in the TWD swing of things.

  20. It looks delicious!I love the addition of coconut :)

  21. This looks absolutely delicious! I love coconuts so I will definitely give this a try.

  22. Those blondies look delicious!! I'm going to try this recipe for sure!

  23. I loved the two toned coconuts on top of the brownies. Is Blondie is same as brownies? Gosh I feel so clueless.

  24. they look pretty good to me. I agree with you that it isn't good to put coconut inside the pastry - and toasted coconut is so delicious!

  25. These look so pretty - especially the delicious coconut side. Shall definitely try although like you I love the chewy edges of cookies :)

  26. I'm kinda the same with nuts. I tend to like them on top as opposed to mixed in.

  27. What a great recipe! It's really cool and unique from most blondies. Most blondies are just plain with chocolate or m&ms.

  28. Hi! ur baking look awesome...beautifully done...enjoy browsing ur blog.
